Tuesday 12 May 2009

Homemade Pesto

SAM TAN'S KITCHEN HAS MOVED! Please visit the new website/online store at www.samtanskitchen.com. You can also follow Sam on InstagramFacebook and Twitter. Thank you!

If you like pesto and have been buying it in supermarkets, stop now. There isn't a single ready-made jar on the market, no matter how well-known the brand or premium the range that can even come close to the flavour of one you freshly blitzed yourself. I swear to you I am not exaggerating; my pesto-lover friend Daniel has never looked back after trying this recipe, and even makes his own reddish-brown version with sundried tomatoes.

Chuck it all into a blender/food processor and press "on". That's all it takes.

Blitz to a smooth puree:

50g (2oz) fresh basil leaves
1 large garlic clove, crushed
1 tbsp pine nuts, toasted
6 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Dash of salt
25g (1oz) Pecorino Romano cheese, grated (substitute with Parmesan (Parmigiano Reggiano) or Grana Padano if unavailable)

Store in an airtight container in the fridge. Delicious stirred into pasta, roasted with chicken, grilled on bread with melted cheese for amazing toasties, tossed with salad and olive oil as a herby dressing...


  1. Homemade pesto is food of the gods! Hmm I wonder if pesto is breakfast food...

  2. Pesto on a toasted bagel with an olive oil fried egg is definitely breakfast... yummm.

    1. I definitely will try this for breakfast

  3. Thanks for this. I made it yesterday when I had guests over, and it went down very well. Everyone suitably impressed, which is the main thing (and it was easy to make). Ta!

  4. You're very welcome Ben, easy but impressive is always good! :)

  5. Hi Sam, thanks for good recipe. Can you share where can you get the Pecorino Romano cheese in Malaysia? Thanks

    1. Hi! I imagine most supermarkets should have it... if not, try Cold Storage or specialty baking shops like Bake With Yen/Chang Tung?

    2. Thanks Sam, will try to get it in the suggested places. ;)

  6. I really like the fresh perspective you did on the issue. I will be back soon to check up on new posts! Thank you!
    how to make pesto

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